


Spending time in nature can help relieve stress 和 anxiety, improve your mood 和 boost feelings of happiness 和 well-being. 随便你怎么叫它——森林浴, ecotherapy, 自然中的正念, green time or the wilderness cure ‒ humans evolved in the great outdoors, 和 your brain may benefit from a journey back to nature. 


你最近心情不好吗? A little sluggish, stressed out or maybe wondering, “What’s life all about?” 

Here’s another question: How much time have you spent in nature lately?

The answer to these two questions might be more closely related than you’d think.

The modern way we live has changed radically from life in the savanna, 但我们的大脑基本保持不变. 我们仍然与大自然有着很深的联系, 和 research shows that if we don’t nourish that bond despite our technological advancements, 我们可能会在很多方面受到影响.


If you’re able to, get back to nature to energize your mind 和 body. Research has shown spending 120 minutes a week in nature improves health 和 well-being. 
沮丧: If you’re feeling blue, try going outside to green, natural spaces. A stroll in the woods has been shown to help combat depression, 和 even just the view of the forest from a hospital room helps patients who are feeling down. Head for the hills if you need a boost to your mood.

强调: Nature presents scenes that gently capture your attention instead of suddenly snatching it, 让你的神经平静下来,而不是让它们疲惫不堪.
焦虑: You probably know that physical activity is good for your state of mind. But did you know that working out in nature helps to reduce anxiety, 其他好处包括, 甚至比去室内健身房更有效? Consider hitting some trails to get the best mental bang for your buck. 

自我为中心: If you dwell on your problems 和 just can’t stop, a walk through a meadow might put the brakes on the thought train circling through your head. Research shows that a 90-minute walk in nature lowers activity in the part of the brain linked to negative thoughts.  

疲劳: Are you constantly multitasking at work as you switch between customers 和 phone calls, 或者单击从电子表格到演示文稿? Even at home, you might face a combination of kids, chores 和 devices vying for your attention. Your prefrontal cortex can only take so much distraction before it needs a recharge. 幸运的是, time in nature has been shown to restore mental abilities like short-term memory 和 processing 3D images based on drawings.

平凡的: Changing the scenery is a great way to get the creative juices flowing. Nature offers stimuli that you won’t find while staring at a screen. In one study, spending four days in nature improved problem-solving skills by 50%. If you haven’t found a way to tackle that next big project at work, or an obstacle that’s impeding your personal goals, 试着在户外抚摸它.

反社会: Time in nature can help with your personal relationships, too. Natural beauty results in more prosocial behaviors, like generosity 和 empathy.  

断开连接: One of the most basic human needs is to feel that you belong 和 you are part of a larger tribe. But studies show that this concept goes beyond human relationships alone. Time in nature results in a sense of belonging to the wider world that is vital for mental health.

焦虑: At times, you might feel lost, 和 begin to wonder, “What is life all about?” A dose of awe might remind you just how wondrous the world is. Nature provides trees that were hundreds of years old before you were even born, towering mountains that touch the clouds 和 a sky full of uncountable stars. 说到令人敬畏的东西, nature leaves our jaws dropping 和 spines tingling, 和 rekindles the realization that we’re a tiny part of an incredible universe. 还有什么比这更强大的呢?

Consider seeing a mental health professional if your symptoms are serious, but if you’re feeling a tinge of any of the blues listed above, 试试这样说:

  • Adding a daily walk on a local hiking trail to your regimen.
  • 在你家附近骑自行车兜风.