

(DuKai摄影师/Moment via Getty Images)

Too much exposure to bright outdoor lights at night may increase a person's stroke risk, 新的研究表明.

The study 调查涉及中国一个大城市的2.8万多人. Researchers found that people exposed to the highest levels of artificial outdoor light at night had a 43% increased risk of developing cerebrovascular disease, 与最低暴露水平的人相比. Cerebrovascular disease includes stroke and other conditions affecting blood flow to the brain.

之前的研究已经将增加的光照与, 人造光能发展心血管疾病, 哪些情况与动脉血流有关. Researchers said their study is one of the first to explore the relationship between light at night and brain health.

"Our study suggests that higher levels of exposure to outdoor artificial light at night may be a risk factor for cerebrovascular disease,该研究的合著者. 王剑兵说 沙巴足球体育平台发布会上. Wang is a researcher in the departments of public health and endocrinology of the Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine and the National Clinical Research Center for Children's Health in Hangzhou, China. People, 尤其是那些生活在城市地区的人, 应该考虑减少这种暴露来保护自己吗, he said.

The study was published Monday in the 美国心脏协会 journal Stroke.

About 80% of the world's population lives in light-polluted environments, the study's authors said. Continuous exposure to artificial light at night can suppress production of melatonin, 一种促进睡眠的激素. 睡眠不好的人, 和睡眠好的人相比, 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移,更有可能经历更糟糕的心血管健康状况, 研究人员说.

The study involved 28,302 adults living in Ningbo, an industrial port city of more than 8.中国东海岸有200万人口. 近60%的参与者是女性,平均年龄为62岁. Among those excluded from the study were people with extreme levels of exposure to outdoor light at night, people previously diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease and those who developed it within a year after enrolling.

分析和随访沙巴足球体育平台为2015 - 2021年. Exposure to residential outdoor nighttime light was assessed by satellite images that mapped light pollution. Cases of stroke were confirmed by hospital medical records and death certificates.

在研究参与者中, 1,278人患脑血管疾病, 其中缺血性脑卒中777例, 最常见的中风类型, 哪里有血块阻塞了流向大脑的血液.

The study also looked at levels of air pollution and found its possible effects to be independent from light exposure.

People exposed to the highest levels of the type of air pollution associated with the combustion of gasoline, oil, diesel fuel or wood had a 41% increased risk of developing cerebrovascular disease compared to participants with the lowest levels of exposure.

People exposed to the highest levels of air pollution caused by dust or smoke had a 50% increased risk of cerebrovascular disease compared to those exposed to the lowest levels.

And those exposed to the highest levels of nitrogen oxide from motor vehicle and power plant emissions, had a 31% higher risk of cerebrovascular disease compared to those with the lowest exposure.

"Despite significant advances in reducing traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, 肥胖和2型糖尿病, it is important to consider environmental factors in our efforts to decrease the global burden of cardiovascular disease," Wang said.

研究对象来自一个城市, 因此,这些发现可能不适用于其他社区的人, 作者说. Other limitations include a lack of data on indoor lighting products or shading measures such as blackout curtains. Also, 基于卫星的产品很少捕捉到蓝色光源, which may lead to an underestimated association between outdoor light at night and cerebrovascular disease.

"We need to develop more effective policies and prevention strategies to reduce the burden of disease from environmental factors such as light as well as air pollution, 特别是对于生活在人口最密集地区的人, 世界各地的污染地区," Wang said.


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