
By American Heart Association News

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有妊娠并发症史的妇女患心血管疾病的风险更高, but they can greatly lower that risk, new research suggests.

Having healthy lifestyle behaviors and managing blood pressure, 分娩后的胆固醇和血糖水平显著降低了她们未来患心血管疾病的风险,与没有妊娠并发症的女性相当, the study found. The findings, 这些研究结果于周四在美国心脏协会的流行病学会议上发表, Prevention, Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health conference in Chicago, 在完整的结果发表在同行评议的期刊上之前都被认为是初步的吗.

“之前的研究表明,有不良妊娠史的女性在以后的生活中患心血管疾病的风险更高," lead researcher Dr. Frank Qian said in a news release. Qian是波士顿医学中心的心血管医学研究员,也是波士顿大学Chobanian的临床讲师 & Avedisian School of Medicine. "However, 目前尚不清楚这种增加的心血管疾病风险有多少可以通过健康的生活方式行为来改变."

According to a 2021 AHA report, 许多不良妊娠结局与未来心血管疾病的危险因素有关, including high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. In the new study, adverse pregnancy outcomes included placental abruption, gestational diabetes, small size for gestational age, preterm birth and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, defined as preeclampsia or gestational hypertension.

Qian and his colleagues analyzed data for 2,英国生物银行数据库中263名有不良妊娠结局史的妇女和107名,260 women with no history of complications, all of whom were free of cardiovascular disease at the start of the study. 研究人员使用美国心脏协会的8个关键指标来衡量每位女性的心血管健康状况, referred to as Life's Essential 8. These include eating a healthy diet, staying physically active, not smoking, getting enough sleep, and managing weight, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose levels. 得分范围从0到100,得分越高表明心血管健康状况越好.

Over an average 13.5 years of follow-up, 产后心血管健康状况较好的妇女(得分高于76)患心血管疾病的风险比心血管健康状况较差的妇女(得分低于67)低57%。.

妊娠并发症和产后心血管健康状况较差的妇女未来患心血管疾病的风险比心脏健康状况较好但没有妊娠并发症的妇女高148%. Even if they had no history of pregnancy complications, 心血管健康得分低和中等的妇女的风险分别高出81%和25%, respectively, for future cardiovascular disease.

但产后保持良好的心脏健康措施是非常有益的, it leveled the field for women who had adverse pregnancy outcomes. 那些在怀孕后心血管健康得分高的人患心血管疾病的风险与那些心脏健康状况良好且没有妊娠并发症史的人相似.

“这些发现对于临床实践以及设计公共卫生干预措施和政策都很重要," Qian said. “我们需要确定高危女性,并重点确保她们有机会改变生活方式或接受治疗,以降低患心血管疾病的长期风险。."

这些发现很重要,因为它们表明,一群被认为有心血管疾病高风险的女性有可能预防心血管疾病, said cardiologist Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a clinical associate professor of medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, in the news release. Goldberg was not involved in the new study.

“我们需要鼓励卫生保健专业人员将生命的基本要素整合到临床实践中,以改善有或没有妊娠相关疾病的妇女的心脏健康," she said. Because 94% of the women in the study were white, 戈德堡指出,需要探索这些发现是否适用于其他种族和民族的女性.

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